Supported homes payments

As a supported homes host, you receive a weekly payment for providing a young person with accommodation and support.

For standard arrangements of up to 15 hours of support you will receive £178.69 a week. For enhanced arrangements of between 15 and 25 hours of support you will receive £297.81 a week.

Additional payments


The amount of rent you'll receive depends on the age of the young person:

  • for young people aged 16 and 17 who are not in receipt of benefit, we will pay you £83.38 per week in rent.
  • for young people 18 years and over, who will be in receipt of Universal Credit, you will receive rent according to the Local Authority Housing Rate based on one bedroom accommodation. The amount of rent you receive varies according to where you live.


The young person will pay £10 per week towards utilities.

Food (optional)

If you and the young person agree that their food will be bought and cooked for them as part of their support plan, they will pay a contribution of £20 per week.

Find out more

Sign up for one of our information events to find out more, or find out how to apply.